Friday, May 6, 2016
Eye of minds last blog
So, in the end the gamer or the one that is insuring the virus to make sure people stay inside the virtues or the video game forever is now caught by Michael so now no one else is caught in the video game or the VirtNet. Now since this is all out everyone that once had the virus is now able to escape and wake up from sleep. So, the whole community is now safe because of Michael
Thursday, April 28, 2016
How can you make a difference in the world?
You can make a difference in world by being positive and also being intelligent the more intelligent people there are in the world the longer earth will last and also the world is very negative and the more positive people or the more optimists there are in the world the better the world will be. So, the strengths we need more intelligent optimists in the world.
Eye of minds book blog pt. 2
This book is by James Dashner and this book at least from my perpective is very confusing its at time hard to tell when his is sleeping and playing in the video game or when he is in real life. So, I could only imagine how the Michael feels I would be so scared because in a game you can regenerate but in real life you can't and on top of that right now there is this virus kind of villain that can get you stuck in the game forever and now michael is trying to save all those people that got stuck in the video game by destroying the virus
Monday, April 25, 2016
Eye of minds
The story is eye of minds by a dot starts with the main character michael trying to save a girl from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. But to find out it was just a video game. A video game that can only be accessed through sleep and then he coninues and say that he doesn't even know when he's in the game or not so this game has to be really realistic but dangerous because what if you think your in the game but your not and you kill yourselfmwhile doing something crazy in the real world. That is just pretty scary to me and also scary to Michael he even said he was I there so much he could tell the difference from the real world. So, I'm predicting that Michael will dye in the real world when he thinks heirs intone game
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Chris Gardner's pursuit of happiness
As I predicted in my last blog this was a very emotional book. But the plot in my mind was very good. On a few year Chris went from sleeping in public bathrooms and sleeping in homeless shelters with his son Chris Jr. and in a few years sleeping In a mansion and I can't believe what actually motivated him to get a high paying job. It was a red corvette. So, I really like how this actually happened because it says that anyone can be motivated by anything to become great and in his case he was motivated by a car to get a high paying job. Also I like the quote from the book that say "If you have dream, You have to protect it" because it say to ever give up your dream and never stop giving up. So, since Chris didn't give up he went to homeless to a millionaire
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Chris's Gardner's Pursuit of happiness chapters 1-2
This book is a auto biography called Pursuit of Happiness about a man named Chris gardner. So far in the book Chris is still a child and he mostly talks about his parents. His mom was a teacher and always forced him to do good in school. As the book progresses you can see that Chris is actually smart and as a child he already had a long-term plan for the rest of his life. Since his dad left the family he never knew who his dad was so he swore to himself that when he grew up he was going to do anything and everything he can to make sure his son knew who he was. I can see already that this book is a very emotional book. Even early on in chapter 2 Chris was worried about his mom who slept in a living room on a couch with he shoes on in case she had to get grab the baby and get all the kids out of the house. If you haven't noticed by now Chris's family was very poor and his mom was barely able to afford a house. So, far in the book his family is struggling and struggling very bad. I fear that later in the book something will happen to his mother because she is brought up many times in the book and Chris is very worried about her and I think that means something in the book at this time.

Time Out
Time out is a book by W.C Mack. This book is about two twins named Owen and Russell Evans. In the beginning basically the "local basketball team" had one spot open for one more player and both Owen and Russel want the spot but Owen gets the spot! My favorite character in the book is Russel because when I read the book, I felt that he was a lot like me. He loved math and love sports just me in real life. Also he cares about he's family a lot and that's why when he seen his brother changing a lot and falling into the wrong path Russel helped to get him back into the right path for him. Also I do that all the time with my brother. I have a little brother and I always go out of my way to make sure that he is going through the right path through life so thats why how I relate a lot to this book.
A life who tried to same many
By: Cesar Gutierrez
Plane Disappears in the Middle of the Ocean
At 38 years old born on August 18,1934 Roberto Clemente was one of the greatest baseball players of all-time. He played for the Pittsburgh Pirates and has 3,000 baseball hits in his baseball career. There are only 9 other people that have 3,000 hits in their careers. There is no doubt that he is one of the best of all time.
On December 31,1972 at “9:22 the plane was set to fly” to Puerto Rico. Clemente on the way to take aid to Puerto Rico after an earthquake destroyed a lot of the country. But 5 minutes after the plane took off the “engine caught fire and seconds later blew the plane to pieces.” “The search for his body began immediately but only the pilot's body was recovered.” Scuba divers, family members and police are still looking for his body.
Clemente sacrificed his life to try to help others. He was a great person not just at this moment but throughout his entire life. In Puerto Rico he wanted to make a sports stadium there that kids in Poverty over there can play in for free as well. Clemente just always helped in the community and really helped alot in the game of baseball and in people's lives.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Time out vs Crossover
The two books I will be comparing are The crossover by Kwame Alexander and Time out. They both hhplay basketball. In the book crossover both twins are really good at basketball. They are both the stars of the team also you can see that both twins are a lot alike personality wise, they look alike, and they play alike. But in Time Out the twins in the middle of the book they are not much alike at all they hang out with different people the not really together and now Owen(one of the twins) is more into just playing basketball while Russel (the other twin) is more into the mathematic behind basketball and also just math in general. It's kind of funny because the in the begining both twins in both books are really close. But as the book goes on they start to go further and further apart from each other. But, in the crossover they really never get as close as the two twins were again and in Time-out they get pretty close. Lastly what brought them apart was pretty different in crossover a girl brought the twins apart and in Time Out basketball brought them apart.
Argumentative essay
Cesar Gutierrez
ELA Block 4
March 21, 16
Should Schools Have Armed Guards?
Why all schools should have armed guards
Between January 1, 2015 and October 10, 2015 "there have been 52 school shootings that have killed 30 people and injured 53 other s" according to Many kids are dying because of the lack of Safety in Schools and if all schools had armed guard less and less shootings will happen.
Shooting are successful for the shooters because of the lack of security. when there is an armed guard on duty there is less of a chance for the shooters to be successful for thee shooter to be a success. The has been a shooting prevented before. Three years ago a there was a shooting stopped in schools by a armed guard.
Secondly, schools in Connecticut have already been seeing armed guards for many years and for many years there has not been a shooting there. So if we have guards there will be less of a chance for there to be a successful shooting. Also according to it doesn't feel as "awkward" for the kids to see an armed guard every day. Every day the armed guard greets the kids and the kids are fine with the armed guard been in their school.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" this was said by the executive vice president of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre. He is very true how are schools supposed to stop a shooting with no guards to protect students. LaPierre said that armed guards are the "one thing that keep people safe in schools" and without them these shooting will just continue to happen.
People might say that armed guards are too expensive but schools cannot put money over the safety of children. The more time that passes by without armed guards in schools the more children and staff die because of shooting. Schools need to have armed guards before another shooting takes place and more people die.
In conclusion, armed guards must be put into schools. More and more students will die if armed guards in schools aren’t enforced. Students lives depends on this action and we need guards in schools as soon as possible.
Work cites
1) "Some Schools Move Forward with Armed Guards." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
2) "Leah Barkoukis - Armed Guards Ended School Shooting in Oregon." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
3)"Should There Be More Armed Guards in Schools?" N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
Friday, March 4, 2016
This weekend
I am looking foward to the three day weekend this week because of three reasons. This weekend I am playing my first MLG (Major Leauge Gaming) game for call of duty. Also this weekend is a three day weekend. Lastly, I will be posting my first Black Ops 3 sniping montage to YouTube on my channel
Monday, February 22, 2016
Standing Tall
This is a book about 10 different Latino American with big stories or helped change the world. It contains of Latinos like baseball player Reberto Clemente and also singer Gloria Estefan. My favorite person in the book so far is Roberto Clemente. For the reasons being that I am a baseball player and he was also a baseball player. Also he had a great story. He is not only one of the greatest baseball players of all time, getting 3,000 hits right before his death. He also died trying to help other people. He was going to give aid to People in Puerto Rico after the an deadly earthquake nearly ripped it apart. He was on the plane when the plane malfunctioned and crashed in the middle of the ocean killed every person on board and Roberto Clemene's body was never found. Lastly he always wanted to help kids and many people in Puerto Rico. He always loved kids and wanted to help them. He knew kids were in poverty in Puerto Rico because he used to be one of them. So he wanted to make a stadium for kids over there were new equipment, and a field and coaching was provided for them. But he never got the chance to build it.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Holocaust background question 12
People didn't stand up during the holocaust because they were afraid that they would become a target of the nazis and they would be killed. If the nazis weren't going after them they didn't care. They just didn't want to risk anything. But later they would still go after them as well.
Ann frank
Ann Frank faced many adversity in her life.First of all, people that followed her religion were being hunted. She wasn't able to have any fun and she is a teen that needs to have fun. It must be very hard to be with your family for many days straight. It must have been very hard for her and also very boring. I have not have that much adversity throughout my life. Really not had much. The last adversity I had was facing me great grandpa passing away. It was a little hard time in my life but I survived through it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Where I would choose to live
I want to live in Atlanta, GA because it is really good weather. I do not like the cold and I would love to live in a warmer city. Not only that but, Altlanta is a beautiful with a lot of skyscrapers also the city has a lot to do there. There is the Coke museum and white water also Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Hawks play there and they are two really good teams. So I would love to live in Atlanta because of the good weather, nice and much to do city, also because of the good sports teams
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Stay Alive: book 2
This book was written by Jospeh Monninger. So far in the book 5 kids and 2 teacher go on a field trip to explore this Egyptian Cave. One day they went inside the cave to explore it and out of nowhere an earthquake happens the cave callapses on them. So the whole group is on the quest for survival. My favorite part of the book is when the cave comes crashing down because it was very detailed and the earthquake to popped out of no where the characters did not expect it. Also it was very easy to imagine it.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Tombquest vs Zodiac
Zodiac and Tomquest are much alike because they both have some a lot of action and both main characters have a goal or a "quest" in zodiac the main character Steven gets magical powers and is being chased by powered mercenaries so his goal is to survive and the main character from Tombquest needs to stop the eygptian source that is terrorizing the world so his goal is to stop the source. They both also much a like because they both has some type of "force" in the book in Zodiac Steven is given magical powers by the "force" and in Tombquest Alex releases a "force" into the world which terrorizes the city. But they also have many diffrences . They both have very different "quest" like I said in the beginning Stevens goal is to survive. Alex's goal is to end a force. So these two books are very different but both books are actually really good I would recommend these two books to almost anyone who likes action and adventure.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
New Years resolution
My New Year's resolution is to push myself in baseball meaning do more fitness at home and practice baseball also at home for when the season starts in 3 months I will be way better than I was before
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
The book I read the past 2 weeks is called Zodiac. It is about twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, a Chinese-American teenager named Steven is thrown into a middle of a global chase. He’ll have to master his strange powers, outrun super-powered mercenaries, and unlock the mysterious powers of the Zodiac. The plot was very interesting with a lot of action for many parts in the book it felt like I was reading a x-men book or watching a x men movie!!! Especially when the merciaries tried where attacking him. It was a very good book and I would recommend it to everyone who likes adventure.
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